The Reiki Club Blog:  The Intersection of Science and Reiki

The Reiki Club Blog: The Intersection of Science and Reiki

Reiki and science have complicated relationship right now.  There is a lack of proper medical research that shows Reiki's efficacy and the reason for this is two fold.  Reason one is that Reiki is a mystical art and most mystical arts are not taken seriously.  The second reason is that most of the studies that have been performed on Reiki have been performed by Reiki masters trying to prove a point.  They may have been in the medical field but they do unfortunately have severe bias with what they're trying to achieve in the study.  

There is not a ton of interest from the medical community in trying to really dig into the efficacy of Reiki because of this mystical art moniker.  This is a situation that needs to change, as we have nurses in many hospitals that use hands on healing for their patients.  It needs to be said that reason we are at this impasse is because of the cynicism in the medical community on anything that has any sort of mystical component to it.   For example, there is significant data to show the efficacy of psychedelics on ptsd and other afflictions but the medical community still resists these substances because they have more in common with shamans than western medical treatment.   

We need more support from people that have had positive experiences with Reiki but aren't necessarily part of the healing community.  We need more unbiased research and we need to accept that these things are going to take time.  Rome wasn't built in a day and neither will a certified Reiki modality be built that the medical community is willing to fully accept and embrace.  We need more studies, better studies and more money behind this.  The advent of psychedelics in medicine will slowly open the door for Reiki, as psychedelics are covering more ground medically right now.  Stay tuned!  

-Channeled from Melchizedek 02/18/25


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Many people who practice Reiki stick to the traditional techniques that were discovered over 100 years ago.   However, there is a growing number of people who are becoming aware of the fact that newer, more advanced Reiki techniques are available to us and can help us in our healing journey.  Some of these techniques leverage our 'galactic family'— the energies derived from The Arcturians, The Pleiadians & The Sirians.  These energies can help heal our energy bodies in less time and with less effort.  Results can be transformational. 

To take your Reiki practice to the next level, Udemy Arcturian Reiki Training, as well as the 5D Lightbody Activation can prove to be powerful options. 

Arcturian Reiki was a Reiki technique channeled in 2021 that has helped hundreds of people heal faster and more efficiently.  The 5D Lightbody Activation has helped many people accelerate their ascension by ending the two steps forward, one step back struggle that most empaths face when trying to heal their chakras.  Turning to The Reiki Club can truly help you accelerate your ascension in amazing ways.


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