
The Reiki Club Blog:  Spiritual Healing for Borderline Personality Disorder

The Reiki Club Blog: Spiritual Healing for Bor...

What is borderline personality disorder (BPD)? Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a mental health condition marked by extreme mood fluctuations, instability in interpersonal relationships and impulsivity. People with BPD have...

The Reiki Club Blog: Spiritual Healing for Bor...

What is borderline personality disorder (BPD)? Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a mental health condition marked by extreme mood fluctuations, instability in interpersonal relationships and impulsivity. People with BPD have...

The Reiki Club Blog:  The Priest/Priestess Soul Type

The Reiki Club Blog: The Priest/Priestess Soul...

The caring and enthusiastic inspiration of the Priest lovingly challenges us to seek fulfillment and evolution in our lives. Priests have an uncanny way of making us unafraid of the...

The Reiki Club Blog: The Priest/Priestess Soul...

The caring and enthusiastic inspiration of the Priest lovingly challenges us to seek fulfillment and evolution in our lives. Priests have an uncanny way of making us unafraid of the...

The Reiki Club Blog:  How to Repair a damaged aura

The Reiki Club Blog: How to Repair a damaged aura

Introduction: The Vital Role of Aura in Energy Balance The concept of the aura—a subtle, energetic field surrounding the physical body—has been recognized in various cultures and spiritual practices for...

The Reiki Club Blog: How to Repair a damaged aura

Introduction: The Vital Role of Aura in Energy Balance The concept of the aura—a subtle, energetic field surrounding the physical body—has been recognized in various cultures and spiritual practices for...

The Reiki Club Blog:  Who are the Pleiadians?

The Reiki Club Blog: Who are the Pleiadians?

Pleiadians are multidimensional spiritual entities originating from the Pleiades star system, located in the constellation of Taurus. These beings, who have reached a high level of spiritual and technological evolution,...

The Reiki Club Blog: Who are the Pleiadians?

Pleiadians are multidimensional spiritual entities originating from the Pleiades star system, located in the constellation of Taurus. These beings, who have reached a high level of spiritual and technological evolution,...

The Reiki Club Blog: Signs that your Third Eye Chakra is blocked

The Reiki Club Blog: Signs that your Third Eye ...

The sixth chakra, known as the third eye chakra, is the center of perception and pattern recognition. Often called the “seeing” chakra, its purpose goes beyond physical sight. While its...

The Reiki Club Blog: Signs that your Third Eye ...

The sixth chakra, known as the third eye chakra, is the center of perception and pattern recognition. Often called the “seeing” chakra, its purpose goes beyond physical sight. While its...

The Reiki Club Blog:  Signs that your Solar Plexus Chakra is blocked

The Reiki Club Blog: Signs that your Solar Ple...

The Solar Plexus Chakra, also known as the Manipura Chakra, is the third chakra in the chakra system. This energy center governs our ability to be confident, assertive, and make decisions...

The Reiki Club Blog: Signs that your Solar Ple...

The Solar Plexus Chakra, also known as the Manipura Chakra, is the third chakra in the chakra system. This energy center governs our ability to be confident, assertive, and make decisions...

The Reiki Club:  Axiatonal Lines & Dark Technology

The Reiki Club: Axiatonal Lines & Dark Technology

Axiatonal Energies are a high vibrational frequency that flows through an energy grid called the Axiatonal Framework, which connects all levels of Creation. At a certain point in the history...

The Reiki Club: Axiatonal Lines & Dark Technology

Axiatonal Energies are a high vibrational frequency that flows through an energy grid called the Axiatonal Framework, which connects all levels of Creation. At a certain point in the history...

The Reiki Club:  10 Tips to Increase Psychic Ability

The Reiki Club: 10 Tips to Increase Psychic Ab...

What Does Being Psychic Mean? Ask a dozen different people what being psychic means and you’ll probably get a dozen different answers. But Radin says the answer is actually pretty...

The Reiki Club: 10 Tips to Increase Psychic Ab...

What Does Being Psychic Mean? Ask a dozen different people what being psychic means and you’ll probably get a dozen different answers. But Radin says the answer is actually pretty...

The Reiki Club Blog:  Sacral Chakra Blockage Signs

The Reiki Club Blog: Sacral Chakra Blockage Signs

The second chakra is all about LETTING GO. Your ability to flow, be in the moment, to move and feel and be able to embrace change. I like to visualize a...

The Reiki Club Blog: Sacral Chakra Blockage Signs

The second chakra is all about LETTING GO. Your ability to flow, be in the moment, to move and feel and be able to embrace change. I like to visualize a...