The Reiki Club Blog: The Priest/Priestess Soul Type
The caring and enthusiastic inspiration of the Priest lovingly challenges us to seek fulfillment and evolution in our lives. Priests have an uncanny way of making us unafraid of the things that scare us, and they help us face our fears with optimism and a greater resolve.
Priests instinctively feel compassion for others, and this compassion can sometimes be seen as a loving light that seems to radiate from their faces. When a Priest gazes into your space, it's almost as if they can see into the deepest reaches of your soul; effortlessly reaching inside of you if they wanted, and healing wounds you never realized existed. Priests seemingly have this natural ability to make connections with people that no other role can emulate.
Natural healers, Priests have a special gift for channeling huge amounts of healing energy. In this regard, the mere act of being in the presence of a Priest can sometimes be highly therapeutic. Genuinely warm and nurturing, Priests are passionately interested in the spiritual growth of their subjects, and can, therefore, be masterful in inspiring people to step beyond their own self-imposed limitations to embrace life more fully.
When operating from an enlightened position, Priests are indeed beautiful people, inside and out. With their characteristically energetic sense of mission in life, they can inspire us to reach for ever greater aspirations and potentials. In the Cardinal position of the Inspiration Axis, Priests are naturally at home before large groups of people and can single-handedly draw a spellbound crowd into profound levels of emotional awakening, whether it be for spiritual enlightenment or to invade a foreign country during the Crusades. Consequently, the Priest can also become so blinded by their talents that they grow arrogant due to the frequent attention they receive. This can result in the Priest irresponsibly believing their choices and beliefs are the only valid ones. Indeed, in their darker polarities, Priests can evangelize inappropriately and without solicitation, view disbelievers as heretics, and in worst case scenarios, distort accepted versions of reality until they enter psychologically disturbing regions of insanity.
A high-frequency role, Priests may experience difficulty grounding. This can sometimes lead to obsessive patterns of sexual behavior in a subconscious effort to be more in the body. Such sexual outlets do not normally come from a place of shared intimacy, and the other partner might soon feel frustrated. Priests can also cause annoyance due to the high level of moral conduct they expect from others. Righteous indignation can certainly be a by-product of this behavior, and the Priest will suffer the condemnation of their peers until they learn that these displays of superiority are not conducive towards raising the consciousness of their subjects.
Overall, Priests are emotional, high-spirited, and brimming with energy, and they approach life with determination and purpose. Priests are truly on a mission. They are usually late to bed and early to rise, and rarely does a day go by when they don't find a way to either improve themselves or the people around them. This can lead some Priests to become run down from the unwavering intensity of their zeal. Although they may grow impatient with those who seem hopelessly stuck in the self-inflicted sands of inertia, the hallmark of the Priest is still compassion, and if we only learn to listen to their healing words and utopian visions, that shining star that has seemed so impossible for us to reach might one day become attainable.
More than any other soul type, Priests feel a sense of mission, a higher calling, a need to make the world a better place. They do so by igniting and galvanising the same sense of purpose in others.
Like Servers, Priest souls are both inspired and inspiring. But whereas Servers feel driven to help specific individuals in need, Priests feel driven to move everybody on to higher things. To give an analogy, if Servers like to dig others out of holes, Priests like to lead others up mountains. They stir, inspire and arouse change by openly proclaiming their vision of a better way.
In the positive pole, a Priest soul can be impassioned and compassionate, a good shepherd lovingly leading his flock to better pastures, and a guiding light to all. Perhaps the most famous example of this in recent times is Gandhi, whose path of non-violent resistance to tyranny inspired civil rights movements all over the world. Another prominent example would be Martin Luther King.
In the negative pole, however, a Priest can descend into manic zealotry, being intensely self-righteous and preachy, determined to convert everyone to a single vision whether they like it or not. “I know what’s best for everyone – my way is the only true way!”
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