The Reiki Club Blog:  The Scholar Soul Type

The Reiki Club Blog: The Scholar Soul Type

The Scholar Soul expresses itself through the intellect. This is a Soul that has a powerful thirst for knowledge. They are analytical and always keen to learn, excellent researchers who have a talent for applying their knowledge in a practical way. This is an extremely observant individual with fantastic communication skills and they make excellent scientists, professors, researchers and mathematicians.

The Scholar essence represents the most neutral aspect of being — assimilation. In other words, Scholars are designed to absorb and integrate information from the world around them. Their role in life is to develop and maintain our collective learning and understanding.

Scholars shine when they are able to gather information and assemble knowledge on whatever topic takes their interest. The source of information can be anything and everything: books, the Internet, travel, scientific research, introspection, or simply watching the world go by.

Scholar souls are born to study, think and learn, but not just in the academic sense — fundamentally they are students of life. Scholars are life’s observers, reporters, analysts, and archivists.

As such, Scholars tend to be thinkers rather than doers. They feel at home being surrounded by information. Their living spaces tend to be more like libraries, their drawers full of old note-books.

As the only neutral role, Scholars are less driven to dive into life or to change the world. Instead, they tend to regard life as something to be studied — preferably at arm’s length.

That’s not to say that a Scholar will never be proactive or involved. Many Young Scholars have been successful in politics, for example. And any Scholar can adopt a more extravert personality style as and when it suits their purpose in life.

But on the whole, they are less dynamic than Kings and Warriors, less expressive than Artisans and Sages, less welcoming than Priests and Servers. In fact, Scholars can seem relatively dull or monotone compared to others.

Being so focused on information and its logical implications means that Scholars are naturally introspective and contemplative. They like to have time alone to fully process their experiences and observations internally, before trying to articulate their thoughts. This is in stark contrast to Sages, for example, who prefer to express their every thought immediately.

Scholars can also be quite pedantic when they do join the conversation — correcting others on their use of grammar, for example.

This basic difference in processing styles can lead to misunderstandings. The more extravert essence roles and personalities can view a Scholar’s introverted behaviour as arrogant or anti-social. But being introspective and subdued is not the same as aloofness, nor is it shyness. It’s just a Scholar’s nature.

Scholars who are born and raised in emotionally expressive cultures will develop a more expressive style, but they will still be distinctly less expressive than other roles in the same culture.

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