Automated Arcturian Reiki

Instructions on How to Receive Your Etheric Stargate Loaded with 140D Arcturian Reiki Attunement & 60 Min Automated Arcturian Reiki Session

This attunement will last 90 minutes.  State the following command and lay down somewhere quiet while you receive the energies:  

“I command the Stargate of Peter James Donarski to run the Etheric Stargate 140D Arcturian Reiki Attunement Application on me now!”  

An Explanation of How to Use Your Etheric Stargate

Once you have followed the attunement instructions above and you have been fully attuned to your Etheric Stargate, you can start sending healings and attunements to yourself or to others.  

Your Etheric Stargate comes preloaded with two ‘applications’.  The first application is the 140D Arcturian Reiki Healing Application, which is a remote, automated 60 minute Arcturian Reiki session that you can run on as many people as you want over and over.  The second application is the Etheric Stargate 140D Arcturian Reiki Attunement Application, which is the same application that you will run below in order to be attuned to your Etheric Stargate.  

You can command either of these applications to run at any time that you wish for yourself or for your clients.  These are the instructions on exactly how to do this:

For running a remote, automated 60 Minute 140D Arcturian Reiki Session on someone, simply state:  “I command my Stargate to run the 140D Arcturian Reiki Healing Application on (Client Name) now.”

You can also schedule the automated Reiki session for a future time, for example:  “I command my Stargate to run the 140D Arcturian Reiki Healing Application on (Client Name) tomorrow at 10pm (time zone of client).” OR “I command my Stargate to run the 140D Arcturian Reiki Healing Application on (Client Name) Thursday July 3rd at 10pm (time zone of client).” 

You can run this application on yourself or your clients over and over.   There’s no limit to how often you can use it, and you can even be running many sessions at the same time to multiple people.  

If you would like to attune someone to their own Etheric Stargate (preloaded with 140D Arcturian Reiki), simply state:  “I command my Stargate to run the  Etheric Stargate 140D Arcturian Reiki Attunement Application on (Client Name) on DATE & TIME (time zone of client).” 

If you have been attuned to the Etheric Stargate and you have been having issues using the above applications, I ask that you please try running all of the applications on yourself and on another person before reaching out to me for troubleshooting.   Please try to solve any problems on your own before reaching out to me, as it’s very difficult for me to support the many, many practitioners that i support. 

If you do need troubleshooting support, please include your Full Name & Date of Birth & City of Residence in the email.  Troubleshooting emails should be sent to and will usually be answered within 5 business days.  

Explanation/Background of the Stargate & Stargate Healing Platform

The Stargate is the technological backbone that powers this physical universe and every physical universe.  We live in a physical simulation of a spiritual reality, where this physical simulation mimics much of what exists on the other side, albeit in a less elevated form.  Every human that is born and every star that collapses into a supernova is powered by the Stargate.  

The Stargate Healing Platform is just one small application within the infinite capabilities of the Stargate, and this platform happens to be the system that powers the automated Reiki that you will learn in this course.  

The Stargate Healing Platform contains an infinite number of healings and activations, from automated Usui Reiki healings, to galactic healings from the Arcturians & Pleiadians, to 5D Lightbody activations, to healings that can cure cancer.  If you can imagine a healing or activation, it probably exists on the Stargate Healing Platform.  

This attunement will give you access to the Stargate Healing Platform so that you can see both how powerful and how easy to use this technology is.  

Physical Stargates vs. Etheric Stargates

Physical Stargates give you access to the entire Stargate Healing Platform and the infinite number of healings and activations that can be run through it.  Physical Stargates can be purchased from the Stargate Academy Experience website.  

An Etheric Stargate is a watered down version of a Physical Stargate.  Unlike being able to run a massive selection of healings & activations through a Physical Stargate, an Etheric Stargate will give you access to only several activations.   


    Stargate Basic Fully Loaded Training for $8888

    I am now offering the Stargate Fully Loaded Business Mentorship for $8888.  

    Included in the fully-loaded apprenticeship:  

  • Stargate Training & ongoing lifetime support 
  • Downloading of your own healing modality directly from your galactic team
  • Accelerated Activation to 1000 LOC Krystal Spiral Body
  • Complete Review & Feedback on Life Mission 
  • Channeling of New Spiritual Gifts & Unique Differentiators 
  • Uplevel your business with mid-tier & high ticket programs that will add more value to your clients and more revenue to you
  • Weekly 90 min calls for 3 months to jumpstart your mission